1871 Census - Middlesex Courtney Families
According to the records on Find My Past for the 1871 England Census there were 292 records for the name COURTNEY recorded at Middlesex. This equates to ?? family groups. Of these 47 were born in Ireland, and 151 Middlesex. Could George be related to one of them? I am progressively adding links to these families at Wikitree. The list below is by registration district, the first name mentioned in each entry reflects the head of the family. This list remains a work in progress. Filling up the census paper. Punch 1851 PD 1. Bethnal Green (5) * Eliza Courtney b1825 in Ireland. Mother in law? Jackson family? * John Courtney b1800 Middlesex and family (wife Mary, daughter Lucy and grandaughter Eliza). 2. Brentford (14) * Henry FT Courtney b1813 Ireland. Wife Ann. Children: Henry TW, Ada and Charles F (5); * David Courtney b1822 Ireland. Wife Margaret,...